Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ahhh Beer...questions and Allan

This is a two part blog, the first is a little bit about me and beer and people. The second is me and beer. I wrote the two at different times, so they do over lap a little bit here and there, but I hope you enjoy.

Part One

I am looking at my instructions to a recipe for an oatmeal Stout, which I plan on changing a bit with a little touch of chocolate. Yuummmmm....
It is a brew which I have been wanting to make for almost a year. I love the subtleties of this style. But other things come to mind when as I am typing.
Over the past year or so, as I have dived into the world of brewing and shared my affinity for this over facebook and twitter. I have had more than a few people ask questions. These questions were about what in the world i was doing and if i am an alcoholic. I don't take these questions as a insult, but I see them as a concern a brother and sister in Christ should ask when they are concerned about another brother or sister in the Fellowship. Then again, I am not a big fan of people wondering if I am an alcoholic, thus a little problem.

I think the best way for me to solve (or at least attend to) this problem is to be blunt. No, i am not an alcoholic. (and yes i know the first thing you are things, "the first step is admitting"), but really I am not an alcoholic! I have been drunk, not my finest moment. I don't like being drunk, in fact its something I never want to be ever again and I always take steps to prevent this. I NEVER drink to get drunk and I don't like going out with friends that i know might get drunk. I DON'T like beer because of the alcohol, rather for the art of the brew (which i will write about later). No, I am not on the attack right now, and if i sound like it I sincerely do apologize. I just want people to know, with full sincerity, that I just like beer the same way a wine connoisseur likes wine.

Ok, i feel better. I hope you do too.


So to get on with it in part two.....Yes folks, this is a little blog, (of probably more to come) about one of my favorite subjects and libations....BEER!

Part Two

If you have known me for any length of time at all, you know i am a fan of beer. It started in college with a Guinness at a friend's place. I looked at him and said, "oh..I could get into this!" That was over 6 years ago. That fateful night has spawned off what has become to be a large passion in my life.

I love beer for the art which is the brew. The over all look, smell, feel and especially the taste of a good brew is something i am coming more and more to appreciate and discern. When i pour a new brew into a glass there is this excitement in me that stirs. I try to analyze as much of it as possible and well, try to enjoy it too.
I compare it to looking at art. When i was in Europe i remember looking at the different paintings and sculptures and thinking, "what is the artist trying to tell me from this? What am I drawing out of this piece?" As i drink a brew i wonder the same things. What is the brewer trying to tell me in this glass? There are intense hoppy flavors that shout out at you for attention. There are malty flavors that melt in you mouth. Chocolate, coffee, grapefruit, grainy, sweet, bitter, toffee and the list can go on. All of them conveying some message from the brewer through the liquid on you lips.
Now that i am trying to brew my own beers, i wonder what am i conveying? Most of the time i think i am conveying that I am an amateur. Sometimes though, i feel like i hit something special. Something that grabs some attention and says, "Hey, this is good" We shall see what happens in my brews to come.


Well, i am sure this will not be my last post on the brew. I feel this post was a bit disjointed, but i am ok with that, this is just a blog and well, this is how i feel right now.

I hope you have enjoyed and feel free to comment.

In Christ,

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Motorola Droid Vs. iPhone 3GS

I am just embracing the nerd side of me, and yes i really do want the droid

Monday, November 2, 2009

Weezer Snuggie Infomercial

Anybody feel like getting me an early Christmas present!?