Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Gift of a Bible

I heard about this video and wanted to share it. Enjoy.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


For some of you that know, I have been/will be getting involved with Project Exodus, an anit-slavery/sex trafficking non-profit organization. I learned about this through a buddy of mine at church named Mike Masten. Over the past few months i have been talking with Mike about PX (Project Exodus) and have started to find small ways i can help. Well here is one of them, spreading the word.
The more i have read about modern day slavery the more i see just how local and wide spread it is. It comes in many forms and for sure i will be writing more about my experience in this as i gain more experience, but i wanted to share something with you. Below is a map showing an incident of modern day slavery. It happened within driving distance of my house. Click on the link and check it out for yourself.

I don't know why, but the matter of modern day slavery is very heavy on my heart. The more i read bout it the more i want to help to stop it. Who knows where this road will lead me, but I am excited to be on it.

Moe on this to come.
