Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I love my lip......(warning a bit gross)

Well, i must first caution you that the pics below are a bit gross, but kinda cool.

About 2 months ago, apparently, i bit my lip really hard. This caused a small saliva glad to block up and start to fill up with stuff that looked like something out of a cheap sci-fi movie. Anyways, i would have to drain my lip about once a week or else it would just get really annoying. I was never in pain, but it just kinda sucked.
Well, after a visit to the dentist, i was suggested to go to a special office at USC. This place is called the...Orofacial Pain & Oral Medicine. Ok, the name says it all, facial pain? I wasn't exactly thrilled to go there, but i wanted to get this done with, so i made an appointment and went.

I got there and they said it would take about a 1/2 hour to "extract" my salivary glad. So i said let's do it. They numbed me up and started cutting. All I could see was this giant booger looking thing being sliced out of my lip. It looked like something that you really hoped not to find in your soup. At the end of the "extraction", they stitched me up and said to come back next week. And that is where i am at now.

My lip feels ok. I am not in pain, rather it is just annoying having a thick thread attach to my lip. I am just ready to be done with this. Below are the pictures of my lip, I show all the kids in my class and each one had the same reaction...

"Awww gross.....that is cool Mr. Heida!"


From Drop Box

From Drop Box


Sean-detta said...

that isn't toooo bad lol

Britton Family said...

SO, is that like paybacks for being MEAN MR. HEIDA?????

Unknown said...

Ok! That is really gross! I could have done with not looking at the pic. Even now when I am talking to you I don't look at your lip!!