Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jackson vs Bean

I couldn't resist. Have fun with this one everybody.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Axis Of Awesome 4 Chords

I saw this and thought, yup! It is just that easy...well sort of

Thursday, October 1, 2009

What would my lifes "comment" section say?

-I wrote this about in June while i was doing report cards and needed a break from the grades and what not. Enjoy

I am in the middle of writing end of the year comments for my student's report cards. These are at the end of the report card paper, a chance for me to get in a few words about how the student did or did not perform over this past semester. These are the hardest/easiest for me to write depending on the student. Some I get done in a minute or or less. These are the students that have tried hard, are intrinsically motivated and want to do well in class. Then there are the other students that take time...... These are the students that have taught me a new level of patience over the past few months. They have not tried hard, been disrespectful, not cared and over all WANTED to add gray to my hair.
You would think that these students would be the easiest to literally write off! I could fill more than a few boxes with the frustrations they have provided me over the time i have tried to teach them. Yet at the same time it is a big moment of personal reflection. Writing in these boxes I continually ask myself, have I really tried to do everything i can to encourage these students? I think about the parents reading the comments after I have cleaned my hands of the year and how they will think about their child as a student, and my representation of that student in the comment box.
There is a balance that I try to walk, of grace and honesty.

This comments section got me thinking/reflecting a bit. I got to wondering what would my comments sections say for life? Where would N/S/O ratings? Where would the "shows good effort but needs improvement" or "outstanding" or "doesn't try hard enough"? I took a moment and thought about that, it was fairly though, eye opening and well, an interesting moment to say the least.

So how about you? What would your life comments section say?
