Well, i had another post in mind, but this happened today and I can't pass up writing about it. I have a 2nd grade class and they are wonderful. I mean yes, they are 2nd graders whom all seem to have the attention span of a gnat, but when ever i have a sub i am always left with notes that say, "Great Class". I do have some challenging students, one of which has provided me with a few early gray hairs. We shall call him Daniel for the sake of this blog.
Daniel has given me more than a few stories which i will blog about later, but today i could pass up this story. Daniel has a hard time paying attention, like all young boys and well, seems to hear things much differently than all the other boys and girls. So we were doing centers today, when the students get into groups to re-read our last story in a group, do flash-phonics cards etc. The group Daniel was in had this assignment; to read a short story 2 times and then find the words with, "ee, ace, or ea" in it and WRITE a sentence using those words. I was with the flash cards group so when Daniels group was done i asked them what they were suppose to do next, and they said, "write sentences..?" I said yes, and I re-explained the directions. They all went down to their seats and started working, except Daniel. I called Daniel and said, "Daniel, i want see you start writing your sentences with the words from the story" He looked at me and said ok. i continued working with my original group until recess time came. So I started to dismiss the students by with work groups making sure each student had done their assignment, the only student who had not finished was Daniel. I asked Daniel where his sentences were and he said, "Ohhhhh....i thought you said write them in your head!" ending with a smile.
I said, "When have we ever just wrote them in our head?"
"Ummm....never?" he replied
"Correct, i want you to take your folder and finish your sentences at recess"
Tears started forming (yes i am ok with this). Daniel can also get a bit of an attitude, which came out at this point and he lost the rest of his recess for the rest of the day.
After recess Daniel hands me his paper and there are 3 sentences there
"I have a face. I like bees. You are mean."
Yes it is true, i am Mean Mr. Heida.
Hope you enjoyed this blog. I do have more to come.
In Christ,
Joshua Tree
14 years ago